"Her words will be forever be embedded in our hearts."

Black History Month Blog | Celebrating Maya Angelou

Article dated: 13/10/2020

To celebrate Black History Month, LCCs Diversity Forum asked colleagues to write about someone they admire.


Our EMTAS manager Gill Rowlands opted for poet, author, activist and playwright, Maya Angelou..."Her words will be forever be embedded in our hearts."


I don't believe Maya Angelou needs any introduction. Many of us will be familiar with her book, 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.


Maya Angelou is an inspiration, overcoming great sadness in her childhood and being 'without a voice' for many years, to achieve acclaim as a poet, playwright, civil rights activist, lecturer, women's advocate… the list of accomplishments goes on.


I could have used my own words to talk of Maya Angelou, but why use mine when we can use this opportunity to share some of hers?


'I've learned that people will forget what you have said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'


As a young woman, I first read this quote and it really resonated. It is how you make people feel that matters.


'If you're always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.'


This always makes me smile! I have often quoted this when I have explained some of my zanier behaviour and decisions to my colleagues! She may have got me into trouble a time or two with that one.


I sometimes turn to Maya Angelou without even knowing I am doing so. My son's recent decision to embark on a musical career rather than pursuing a medical one prompted this advice to him:


'You can only become truly accomplished at something you love.'

Go for it son!


Maya Angelou, an open-hearted visionary of humanity, a voice for women and Black people, an inspiration, leaving a legacy that will be cherished by generations to come.


She is no longer with us but her words certainly are, and for many of us those words will be forever embedded in our hearts.”


Gill Rowlands manages the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Team (EMTAS) at School Improvement Liverpool. EMTAS is committed to supporting the inclusion and attainment of our ethnic minority students and Black History Month is close to their hearts.