Outreach Services Training Offer for Mainstream Settings - Spring 2024

Sessions Available Online
Online training sessions are provided via Microsoft Teams. Delegates should use their School Improvement Liverpool Account Email Address to login to the Microsoft Teams session.

This is a citywide training programme, delivered through on-line and/or by face-to-face sessions during the academic year 2023-24. It is designed for staff including SENDCos, class teachers and support staff of mainstream maintained nurseries, schools, and academies who have children on roll with SLD and autism, aged 3-19.

This programme is a funded outreach services training offer on behalf of Liverpool City Council to fulfil its duties outlined in Part 3 of the Children and Families Act (2014).

The training programme is subject to review and an evaluation of impact will be used to inform recommissioning. To support this process delegates will be asked to complete an evaluation on the day of session delivery and an evaluation of impact approximately 8-12 weeks after attending the training.

Blank Levels
· To gain an understanding of blank levels and information carrying words
· Using assessment to plan and understand current attainment
· Develop interventions to support language development

Building attention for children with severe learning difficulties and ASC - Delivered by Princes Primary
To understand attention levels and develop strategies to build children’s attention skills.

Coproduction-working with parents - Delivered by SIL
Exploring the importance and benefits of engaging parents and carers in order to positively impact on outcomes for young people. Developing an understanding on what effective engagement and co-production looks like and how to develop this.

Reasonable adjustments - Delivered by SIL
Schools have a duty to try to consider in advance what reasonable adjustments a child may need, in time for the first day of the school year. Adjustments should be reviewed regularly as part of the graduated approach.

SEND mediation and Disagreement resolution (DRS) – an introduction and overview (parent training) - Delivered by Mediatelegal
A detailed overview of the mediation and DRS processes to help parents/carers better understand and prepare for mediation/DRS, and identify when it might be appropriate

SEN Support Planning- Parents & carers
Consideration of the Graduated Approach to support children receiving SEN support. Support that is additional to and different from their peers providing opportunities for a more coordinated and personalised planning through a coproduction approach.

Supporting children with learning difficulties to manage challenging behaviours and develop mutual and self-regulation skills - Delivered by Princes Primary
To develop strategies to support and manage challenging behaviour for children with severe and complex learning needs.

The Equality Act and its implications on educational settings - Delivered by Mediatelegal
School staff will be better able to consider the implications and requirements placed on schools by the Equality Act in respect of attending pupils and in anticipation of pupils due to attend.

The Equality Act and its implications on educational settings - Delivered by SIL & Joseph Mulrooney
PARENTS & CARERS: Parents will be better able to consider the implications and requirements placed on school by the Equality Act in respect of attending pupils and in anticipation of pupils due to attend.

PRACTITIONERS: School staff will be better able to consider the implications and requirements placed on schools by the Equality Act in respect of attending pupils and in anticipation of pupils due to attend.

To view the training offer for other terms during the academic year please click here:



We anticipate that demand for the sessions will be high and so please book early to avoid disappointment. Places are free to Liverpool schools/settings.


£0.00 per delegate. unless otherwise stated
Free citywide training programme

Book Sessions

Sorry, there are currently no bookable sessions available for this course. Please check back again soon.