EYSFF Spring Redetermination

Updated EYSFF Spring Redetermination

Article dated: 16/03/2022


The updated figures for spring term EYSFF can be found here


Please could schools with early years provision update the budget for these figures – instructions for SIMS are below:


Please process this final budget revision using the figure in column T as a fund allocation increase/decrease:

From the main toolbar select Budget Management > Fund Allocation

Double click on the blue line 'School budget share' and select the option to 'Increase/decrease allocation'

Enter amount and enter in narrative 'Revision to 2021-22 School Budget Share' Save

You will also need to show this amount against I01 on the same screen


Any cash adjustment required as a result of this will be accounted for through the outturn settlement calculation for 2021-22.


If you have any queries, please contact the early years finance team: [email protected]