Ensuring Quality PSHE, SMSC and Citizenship Provision

Make sense of the implications for PSHE, Citizenship education, and pupils’ SMSC development of Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework.

This training workshop will unpick Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework and its implications for PSHE and citizenship education, and pupils’ SMSC development. Participants will explore ways to: adopt a whole school approach, measure and raise the quality of teaching and learning in this area, tackle the teaching of sensitive and controversial topics, and incorporate meaningful assessment.

Why attend?
This training will be an excellent opportunity to share in the expertise of Janet Palmer to ensure that you and your colleagues are ready for your next inspection. Janet was an HMI from 2005 and OFSTED’s National Lead for PSHE and Citizenship from 2011 - 2016. Before joining Ofsted, Janet was PGCE subject leader at Manchester Metropolitan University, responsible for the training of social science, PSHE and citizenship teachers, and previously advised the DfES.

What will it cover?
• Adopting a whole school approach to PSHE, SMSC and Citizenship
• Explore ways to measure and raise the quality of teaching and learning in this area
• Tackle the teaching of sensitive and controversial topics
• Incorporate meaningful assessment
• Ensuring that your school is able to meet the PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC development requirements in Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework

Who should attend?
Subject Leaders, Headteachers, NQTs, Senior Leaders, Teachers

£100.00 per delegate per course

An administration charge will apply to none attendees
All costs are subject to VAT


£100.00 per delegate. unless otherwise stated
All costs are subject to VAT

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