EAL: Managing concerns about the progress and language acquisition of EAL Learners

Sessions Available Online
Online training sessions are provided via Microsoft Teams. Delegates should use their School Improvement Liverpool Account Email Address to login to the Microsoft Teams session.

Course Overview
There can be a risk of over identifying or under identifying EAL learners for SEN as we navigate the assessment process with children and families who speak very little English. This course equips you with the tools and knowledge to ensure that EAL learners with additional needs are correctly identified.

Why attend?
The number of EAL children is increasing. Ensure your school or setting has robust procedures in place for identifying EAL learners who may have SEN. All delegates will be directed a booklet identifying strategies and resources for managing an effective process of assessment of EAL learners who may have additional needs.

What will it cover?

  • How an additional language is acquired
  • Triggers for cause for concern
  • Using good classroom practice to identify EAL
  • When to signpost to SEN
  • Collecting relevant information about EAL learners
  • When and how to conduct a first language assessment

Who should attend?
Class teachers, SENCOs, staff with responsibility for EAL

2 funded places for Liverpool Authority maintained primary schools
2 places for schools who subscribe to the EMTAS "Developing Excellence in EAL Practice and Pedagogy" SLA
£50 for other delegates. 


Available under Universal Offer
£50.00 per delegate. unless otherwise stated
2 funded places for Liverpool Authority maintained primary schools 2 places for schools who subscribe to the EMTAS "Developing Excellence in EAL Practice and Pedagogy" SLA £50 for other delegates. All costs are subject to VAT Failure to cancel or non-attendance will incur costs All cancellations must be completed online at www.schoolimprovementliverpool.co.uk/myaccount at least 48 hours in advance

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