Advanced Designated Mental Health Lead

Course Overview

Advanced Designated Mental Health Lead- Three day course.  A version of the Advanced Mental Health Lead course specifically for senior leadership teams, looking at the role in the context of culture, ethos and staff wellbeing. 


What will it cover?

A version of the Advanced Mental Health Lead course specifically for senior leadership teams, looking at the role in the context of culture, ethos and staff wellbeing. This discussion-based course is linked to a level 4 qualification and allows senior leaders the opportunity to share and hear approaches to mental health in educational settings.


Participants complete a portfolio evidencing how they will embed the full role requirements and receive dual certification on submission – a National Educational Leader in Mental Health and a level 4 Ofqual-regulated qualification in Mental Health Aware Leadership (Education). 


Any supplementary info

The DFE are offering funding for schools to use to train their mental health leads and senior staff.  School can apply for funding £1200 from DfE - and is also available to schools where their original mental health lead has left.

Please note you can book onto the course and then apply for the grant 


Who should attend?

Senior leaders who have a strategic responsibility for a whole school approach to  emotional health and wellbeing.


Course Dates and Booking

Day 1 - 19th March 2024, Day 2 - 21st May 2024, Day 3 - 9th July 2024

The training will be face to face and is being held at Toxteth Annexe, Aigburth Road, Liverpool

Please go to to book your place


Bookings for this course are not processed via School Improvement Liverpool



£0.00 per delegate. unless otherwise stated
School can apply for funding £1200 from DFE. Please see full details in the course information.

Sessions Available

Please contact us if you would like to book onto this course.