CIEH: Food Allergen Awareness

Course Overview
Ensure the safety of those consuming food and understand the precautions that need to be taken

Why attend
Food that might be perfectly safe for one person to eat may also be harmful to another, resulting in allergic reactions that can range from mild to life-threatening. It is vitally important that everyone responsible for preparing or handling food is fully aware of what could trigger an allergic reaction, and understands the precautions that need to be taken. Awareness of allergens will not only help to ensure the safety of those consuming food, but also that government regulations are being adhered to

What will it cover

  • Food allergies, intolerances and Coeliac disease
  • Common allergens
  • Food labelling requirements
  • The importance of practical allergen management
  • Providing complete and accurate allergen information
  • Consequence of poor allergy management 

Supplementary information
Please note, this session is being delivered as an INSET within schools. We are also able to offer Food Safety and Hygiene Foundation Level 2 training.
The candidates will receive CIEH accreditation, a certificate upon completion of the training and a handbook to refer to in school.
Any extra candidates are charged at £50pp.
Please email [email protected] for more information

Who should attend
Catering staff - Teaching assistants - Lunchtime assistants - Teachers -
Teaching staff responsible for cooking in D&T - Breakfast/afterschool club staff members

£300.00 group booking max no. delegates 8
All costs are subject to VAT


There are currently, no active sesssions for this course.
There are currently no future sessions planned for this course.