Inclusion Charter Mark (ICM)

Achieving the ICM award will enable you to celebrate the success of your inclusive practice, identify your key strengths and provide recommendations for developing practice further.

The ICM is validated by staff who have all been SENCOs previously and who have extensive school leadership experience and a detailed understanding of effective SEN provision.

The validation process will help you:
  • Confirm your compliance with statutory responsibilities, including the Equality Act and SEN Regulations.
  • Support your preparations for an Ofsted inspection.
  • Support your implementation of the new DFE Code of Practice for SEN.
  • Evidence the effectiveness of leadership, management and governance.
  • Evidence the quality of your engagement with SEN students and their parents.
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of early intervention and partnership working.
  • Enable governors to develop an even greater understanding of the provision and outcomes for vulnerable learners.
  • Evidence the impact of your CPD programme and SEN funding including the use of Pupil Premium.


Price on application. Please get in touch. All prices are subject to VAT.

To order or for further information email [email protected]